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Zooid News

HARVARD - The Image of Nubia

In the final volume of Image of the Black in Western Art series from the Hutchins Center for African and African American Research at Harvard, a ground-breaking study of the art of Numbia is revealed.

For publication in 2026.

Published 1st June 2024 by Richard Philpott

HARVARD - The Image of the European in African Art

The latest volume in the Image of the Black in Western Art project for Harvard, turns the tables to consider images of Europeans within historic and contemporary African Art

For publication mid 2025

Published 1st June 2024 by Richard Philpott


The extraordinary Image of the Black in Western Art project continues apace with an astonishly reveleatory volume on representations of black people throughout history in Latin America and the Caribbean.
To be published in 2022-23

Published Jnuary 2022 by Richard Philpott

2018 - ALL CLEAR!

It's a wrap!:
All the archive AV content for the 6 museums that make up the
Sheikh Abdullah Al Salem Cultural Centre - Kuwait
delivered and licensed in record time:
  23,000 photos & videos sourced
  6,000 photo & video assets licensed

Published June 2018 by Richard Philpott

Middle East museums 2017-18

Zooid has won several major contracts to provide full archive content for a range of new ME museums through 2017.

We are working with designers and production companies in UK, Dubai and Kuwait to research, manage and licence thousands of photo and video assets for attractions opening in 2017 and 2018.

Published December 2016 by Richard Philpott

National Museums of Scotland - Phase 3

Zooid played a key role in providing the National Museum of Scotland with animations, illustrations, photos and footage - research, licensing and video editing - for the next phase of the GBP 80 million redevelopment.

Published August 2016 by Richard Philpott

Epic Ireland opens

Zooid acted as sole content provide, clearing the rights (and 3rd Party Rights) with sources worldwide in a record-breaking productions schedule

Zooid researched
over 2,000 subjects,
11,000 photographs and illustrations
and over 1,600 videos
in just 4 months,

Published June 2016 by Richard Philpott

2016 - museum boom

Throughout 2016 Zooid will be researching, licensing and managing all visual content for museums in Scotland, Ireland and Kuwait.

Published December 2015 by Richard Philpott

2015 - Zooid - service update

News update on Zooid services:
* New staff
* New media
* New technologies
* New partners
* New packages
* New white papers
* New friends

Published 17th September 2015 by Richard Philpott

Zooid - past and future PLANNING

EDINBURGH - forward planning
We are proud to announce two new contracts with the National Musums of Scotland to research, licence and manage photo and video content for the third phase in the ambitious £80 million expansion of the National Museum, providing 12 new galleries in the UK's most-visited attraction outside London.
NMS_link<<< click for details

LONDON - past planning
If you are in London on 27th August, you may care to join us for drinks at the British Film Insitute's National Film Theatre when the BFI will be showing a couple of (very early!) Zooid productions from the vaults of the National Film Archive, on the subject of urban planning and protest:
BFI_link <<< click for details

PublishedJuly 2015 by Richard Philpott

ELT awards

The ELTons are awarded for outstanding English Language Teaching products and services.

Zooid are proud to have been associated with the success of Oxford University Press in winning the British Council's "Excellence in Course Innovation" award for Oxford Discover,
for which Zooid researched & commissioned
30,000 photos and illustrations
for more than
2,000 subjects

Published 15th June 2015 by Richard Philpott

Zooid over the Atlantic...

Building on Zooid's existing partnership with US publishers, in the first week of June we are visiting Clients in Boston, New York, Washington DC and Chicago

... do let us know if you would like us to drop in!

Published 28th May 2015 by Richard Philpott

US Tour - a sparkling success

We made our customary pilgrimage over the pond in October and met with many of our Client-Partners in Boston, New York and Washington DC - AND made new friends who have been excited by our Content Hub, our expertise, our legal knowledge, our Picture Desk system and ability to integrate online with their own back office and rights management systems - WoooHoo!

Zooid takes the train to Wonderland!

Published 11th November 2014 by Richard Philpott

LISBON story

Zooid was invited by UKTI (the British government;s Department of Trade & Industry) to represent the UK's world-leading services in the "Experience Economy" (ie. heritage and attractions industry)

Zooid's Richard Philpott addressed Portuguese ministers and representatives of national museums and service companies at the British Ambassador's house in June 2014, and we are looking forward to working with colleagues in Lisbon and Porto in the near future!

Published 17 July, 2014

TEXT - spelling out clearances

The UK government is changing the law to permit a copyright exception for quotation

But is it all that it seems?

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Published 10th April 2014t

Parody - it's a RIGHTs larf!

The UK is about to make a copyright exception for use of unlicensed assets in parodies.

It will affect licesors and licensees

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Published 9th March 2014

Get Animated!

The world is in motion! NOTHING STOPS, 24/7 – but print?
Print has moved online and is now moving too!

Viewers of all ages now expect motion content - and animation may be your most effective means to achieve it.

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Published 21 February, 2014

Sound Again – the echo of music rights

The term of copyright protection for sound recordings and performers' rights is now set at 70 years throughout Europe

BUT - it isn't that simple (of course)!

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Published 14th January 2014

Zooid - Online Educa Berlin

Richard Philpott was invited to speak to educators from over 72 countries at Educa Berlin

"Good archive footage can bring videos to life. This interactive Learnshop will look at the wealth of content out there and deals with the practicalities of using archive material including research skills, sources, licensing and copyright."

Published 5th December 2013

Yet more Orphans

The EU Directive on Certain Permitted Uses of Orphan Works

When a 'diligent search just won't wash

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Published 3rd December 2013

Exploring the Musical Jungle

how to negotiate the labyrinthine world of music clearances

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Published 27th November 2013

Let's all do the Copyright Hub?

The land grab for the future of copyright clearances proceeds with ever-increasing lack of clarity...

We take a look at some of the bear traps now being prepared for you.

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Published 20th November 2013

When the Right image is Wrong...

- making the right image acceptable
- Middle-East compliance: being prepared
- making a dummy/mock-up

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Published 29th June 2013

Who owns YOUR pictures?

a brief introduction to the shady world of rights trading and rights grabbing

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Published 24th June 2013

When Rights go Wrong

A salutory lesson on what to expect if you use a copyright asset without a license
(intended or not).

Is publishing a dislaimer a good idea?
Will offering payment of a 'reasonable fee' to a claimant resolve the licence claim?

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Published 18th June 2013 by Richard Philpott

ZOW! - Zooid Open Workshops - your feedback

Didn't we do well!

Published 24th January 2013

2013 - zooid news update

NEW.... staff, media, technologies, partners, rights packages, white papers, friends....

Published 16th January 2013

Visita ao brasil

pesquisa de imagens: fotos e filmes
• direitos • licenciamento • gestão • arquivamento

Published 10th December 2012 by Richard Philpott

Digital Economy, Copyright and You

The UK Digital Economy Bill is seen by many image producers as a free-for-all in the copyright / intellectual property market – but how is it likely to affect you: publishers, broadcasters, museums and corporate communicators?

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Published 7th December 2012 by Richard Philpott

Orphan Works – new parents?

The last few months have seen an increasing interest of national and international legislators with regards to what to do with orphan works and how to make it simpler to exploit them for all those purposes that do not fall under the fair dealing exceptions.

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Published 1st December 2012 by Richard Philpott

Illustration (and ©) pitfalls

Copyright in work 'inspired' by / based on work by a third party.
Are you working inside the law?

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Published 1st December 2012 by Richard Philpott

ZOW! - Zooid Open Workshops - more dates

Due to demand, more dates are being considered for the folloiwng workshops

* Video for Publishers and Museums
* IP & Licensing
* Illustration & Video Commissions

Published 10th August 2012 by Richard Philpott


BOND - Zooid Bond

Zooid at the Gloal Business Summit on Creative Services - Lancaster House - 30 July 2012
- the business olympics!

Published 1st August 2012 by Richard Philpott

ZOW! - Zooid Open Workshops

Clients are invited to apply to attend a series of three workshops covering

Video for Publishers and Museums
IP & Licensing
Illustration & Video Commissions

Published 15th July 2012 by Richard Philpott

Curriculum Change

The national curriculum is changing
- and even the date it was to change to has changed!

The coming months are are going to be very busy for educational publishers; luckily Zooid can manage your entire content acquisition.

Published 21st May 2012 by Richard Philpott

Digital Battlefield

Zooid's multi-channel role in the burgeoning US text book market

Published 20th May 2012 by Richard Philpott

Launching your exhibition

Following Zooid's massive contribution to Titanic furore with the £98m Titanic Belfast and the Titanic Liverpool exhibition, we launch a new programme to assist exhibition design companies.

Published 7th May 2012 by Richard Philpott

US Tour 2012

Looking to increase efficiency?
Reduce costs?
Guarantee quality?

Published 14th February 2012 by Richard Philpott

Zooid race to Olympic Gold

In the year of the London Olympics, Zooid again bucks the trend, declines participation in the much-advocated recession, and offers more growth and success for our Clients

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Published Tuesday, 10 January, 2012 by Richard Philpott

Text relief

To complement our ALL-media service, Zooid have been regularly clearing text rights for our major Client-Partners

This service is now available to all our Clients, enabling us to provide full content Including all media assets for page, online, publication, broadcast or exhibiton.

Published Tuesday, 10 January, 2011 by Richard Philpott

IP expertise grows

Zooid's 35- year experience in copyright matters has become a key element in the range of services that we offer, from researcdh to license.

We are now investing in additional legal training to ensure that we will be able to offer our clients qualified legal expertise long into the future

Published 28th September 2010 by Richard Philpott

Getting the Picture – the Interactive Museum

Increasing visitor footprint, responsiveness to the community and integration into the schools curriculum are all key to a Mueum's success and it's bid for funding.

Photographs, footage, illustration, animations etc. all contribute to the vitality of an exhibition and broaden the relevance of collections and their objects, enabling curators to tell the full story.

Zooid provides the key to unlock these treasures.

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Published 12th December 2009 by Richard Philpott

More researchers join Zooid

From 4th January 2010, we will be joined by three new media researchers, to take care of all your photo, footage and illustration needs

Alex, Fortunata and Jessica's profiles are on our Team page...

Published 10th December 2009 by Richard Philpott

New Zooid jobs

Zooid today announces openings for new media researchers with a keen interest in photos, footage and illustration, a meticulous nature and a good (small) team player.

If you are interested, please see our JOBS page.

Published 9th October 2009 by Richard Philpott

Legacy & Integrity

Having looked at Orphan Works and Due Diligence in earlier white papers (below), you now want a working practice that resolves copyright and licensing issues and ensures that you are not unnecessarily exposed to risk of costly claims, legal battles or even the injunction or pulping of a product!

In short, you need a policy to care for your huge legacy of Intellectual Property, to prevent bottlenecks that will prevent you from exploiting your content in the long term.

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Published 10th September 2009 by Richard Philpott

Outsourcing, Offshoring & Outlaws

Outsourcing has long since lost any stigma.
Offshoring also lost its stigma but seems to have worked hard to get it back again!
Outlaws exist everywhere - beware!

This white paper provides a brief overview of how some publishers got caught up a fast river without a paddle when exploring exotic new territory. Happily the turnaround is all downstream to calmer waters!

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Published 10th September 2009 by Richard Philpott

Demonstrating Due Diligence

Not only are orphans finding homes, but you also now need to make sure you have passports for them. "Due diligence" is changing. Will your methodology be accepted by a court?

Is it economic for you to demonstrate due diligence? What are the alternatives? Is 'Fair Use" (in the USA) or 'Fair Dealing (in the UK) a fair cop?

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Published 23rd September 2009 by Richard Philpott

Illustration - Zooid draws it all together!

In response to client wishes for Zooid to offer a one-stop for their FULL artwork briefs, we now offer commissioned illustration to all clients.

In other words, filling your art brief for photos/footage/illustration now couldn't be simpler!

Published 21st September 2009 by Richard Philpott

Zooid online

If you've been to this site before, you'll know already how much it has just improved! It's a complete rebuild, ably managed by Whitespace Design, who have done a great job for us - Thank you!

Next up will be our spanking new redesign and technology upgrade of Zooid's online delivery system for you to view and select photos and footage, approve illustration roughs and interact with Zooid researchers and your own team members, all of who can continue to access and contribute to your projects online.

Published 5th September 2009 by Richard Philpott

1984 - year of Zooid Motion - 25th Anniversary

25 years ago, Zooid Pictures was founded as a film and TV production company.
After 15 years we ceased production to concentrate on picture research & licensing and spearheaded digital asset management in the UK.

5 years ago we added unique footage research & licensing services, and revolutionised producer freedom to view and select video online, regardless of (analogue) source.

Today, we expand that service to include production and post production. This means that we will now shoot and edit video to your specification, just as we do for photos and illustration.

Published on 28th August 2009 by Richard Philpott

Taking Care of Orphans

Introduced in the paper © COPYRIGHT is changing (below) and updated here.

  • When to work with Orphans
  • Changes in law and perception
  • How to manage your orphanage

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Published 28th August 2009 by Richard Philpott

Exhibition Excitement - PERFECT PITCH

FREE pictures
FREE movies
FREE research

Yep! To help kick start the economy, we are offering clients in the exhibition industry an opportunity to get that presentation up to perfect pitch, with real world class pictures and movies - professional assets that can make all the difference to your next meeting.
We won't even charge you for the research.
And we'll provide you with free advice on how our 30+ years expertise and discount licensing agreements can squeeze the most out of your content budgets.

Sound good?
Please call Richard on 020 7267 9990, and we'll help you win your next contract.

Published 17th August 2009 by Richard Philpott

Illustrating Change

We are now offering clients a full commissioned illustration service: planning, briefing, selecting illustrators, budgeting, management of proofing, approval and final delivery, licensing and payments.

The result is a service as simple and as manageable as the photo and footage services that you already have from Zooid - which includes photography and footage shot to order at our standard stock rates.

So, you can now source all your visual content in one simple package, more easily than ever.

Published 3rd August 2009 by Richard Philpott

© COPYRIGHT is changing

Intellectual Property (IP) is undergoing a thorough review in both the US and the UK (who are taking a lead in Europe). This has significant impications for our clients and the management of their licensing. Naturally, we have prepared a paper to identify some key elements which you can download here.

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Published 23rd March 2009 by Richard Philpott